The draws: Coello and Tapia restart against Solano-Ramirez or two qualifiers
September 8, 2024
From one P1 to another, from Spain to the Netherlands, from Madrid to Rotterdam. The second of three consecutive Premier Padel circuit tournaments is being played at the Rotterdam Ahoy. From Tuesday, after the end of the qualifying draws, all the best pairs will be there, including Madrid winners Arturo Coello and Agustin Tapia among the men and Gemma Triay and Claudia Fernandez among the women. Another week not to be missed for padel fans, with 48 pairs in the men’s and 32 in the women’s draw and 1,000 points up for grabs for whoever lifts the trophy on Sunday September 15th. Today, the day on which the finals were also played at the WiZink Center, the draws for the Rotterdam Premier Padel P1 were held.
MEN Coello and Tapia, winners in Madrid, will begin their journey in Rotterdam against José Solano Marmolejo and Ivan Ramirez or against a pair from the qualifiers that began today. For Fede Chingotto and Ale Galan, on the other hand, two qualifiers or the Dutch wild cards Menno Nolten and Bart Van Opstal. Martin Di Nenno and Juan Lebron (3) will try to reach their second final, opposing Cristian Gutierrez and Carlos Marti or Rafa Mendez and Javi Rico in the second round. Mike Yanguas and Franco Stupaczuk (4) will try to reach their first final as a pair, after a bye in the first round reserved for the 16 seeded players, versus Josete Rico and Agustin Gutierrez or José David Sanchez and Diego Gil. These are the hypothetical quarter-finals in the Netherlands: Coello/Tapia (1)-Ruiz/Garrido (6), Nieto/Sanz (8)-Di Nenno/Lebron (3), Yanguas/Stupaczuk (4)-Tello/Belasteguin (7), Cardona/Navarro (5)-Chingotto/Galan (2).
WOMEN As always, there will be 32 pairs in the women’s P1 draw. Gemma Triay and Claudia Fernandez, the number 2 seed and winner in Madrid after the withdrawal of Delfi Brea and Bea Gonzalez, will face Carolina Navarro and Ariadna Cañellas in the first round; Paula Josemaria and Ari Sanchez, who topped the entry list despite their semi-final defeat in Madrid, will start against Sofia Saiz and Marina Lobo. These are the hypothetical quarter-finals: Sanchez/Josemaria (1)-Virseda/Osoro (7), Sainz/Llaguno (6)-Brea/Gonzalez (3), Ortega/Araujo (4)-Salazar/Castelló (5), Riera/Goenaga (8)-Triay/Fernandez (2).